
The PureWholeness Way to Health

by Dr. Kennisha Reynolds

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Test, test, test

Aldrich Ames' Polygraph Tests are scary. But to Aldrich Ames, they were terrifying. Ames was a ranking CIA officer who led a treacherous double life. He served the US’s CIA by day, but sold American secrets to the Soviet Union by night. You would think the web of lies he weaved would scare him straight. But it was the lie detector tests that he dreaded most. Whenever test time approached, he suffered sleepless nights. His mind couldn’t stop imagining the consequences if he were to get caught....

8 months ago • 2 min read

In my letter yesterday, I discussed the limitations of supplementation. Click here to read yesterday's issue of the cholesterol series. Rushing Raises Cholesterol Craig was always in a hurry. He even rushed others. But he didn't realize that his body interpreted his impatience as stress. Chronic stress increases stress hormones. High stress hormone levels can lead to high cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar and increase the likelihood of death. Scary stuff... In recent years, the...

9 months ago • 1 min read

In my letter yesterday, I discussed the connection between cholesterol and heart health. Click here to read yesterday's issue of the cholesterol series. In a prior letter, I contended for supplementation's potential as a complement, or even an alternative, to conventional drug medications for managing cholesterol and bolstering cardiovascular health. I’m thankful for the promise certain vitamins, minerals, and herbs hold for our heart's well-being. However, like most things in medicine,...

9 months ago • 2 min read

In my letter yesterday, I talked about the limitations of medication and the benefits of high-quality supplementation. Click here to read yesterday's issue in the cholesterol series. Today, we'll breakdown the connection between cholesterol and heart health. Ready? A River of Life... Or Death Imagine a smooth-flowing river. Clear waters with no obstacles slowing them down. This calm river is like the blood flowing through your arteries. Now, imagine sediments and gunk slowly accumulating in...

9 months ago • 1 min read

In our previous issue, we learned that God made food as medicine. I also gave you a guide to follow for heart-healthy eating. (Click here to read yesterday's issue in the cholesterol series.) Today I want to tell you a story that might challenge you to question the status quo and inspire you to search beyond what's familiar. I hope you enjoy this story of hope, discovery, and solutions in unexpected places. Read on. Joanne's Story The first thing Joanne told me about herself was how vibrant...

9 months ago • 1 min read

In the beginning, God created cholesterol. There is no "bad" cholesterol as such. There is inflammation, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, and many complex factors affecting the health of our cholesterol. However, labeling cholesterol as "bad" indicates a misunderstanding of its role in our biology. Cholesterol is produced by every cell in our body. It is a lipid that supports the formation of cell membranes, hormones, and bile acids. It's a substance intricately designed to promote life...

9 months ago • 1 min read

In our previous issue, we learned that God made cholesterol. So it's not the villain in our health story. (Click here to read the first issue in the cholesterol series.) Today I want to give you a playbook for combatting your heart-health's real villains— inflammation, insulin resistance, and oxidative stress. Keep reading. Imagine a world where the food on your plate not only fuels your body but also acts as medicine—an ally in the battle against cholesterol. In this world, heart health is...

9 months ago • 1 min read
Green cucumber smoothie

Previously, I promised we would explore scientific detoxification and that's exactly what this message is about. Phase 1 detoxification is a vital process that occurs within the body to remove toxicants and other harmful substances. This process involves a series of chemical reactions by enzymes in the liver. Its primary purpose is to neutralize harmful toxins and make them easy for the body to excrete. But why do we need Phase 1 detoxification and what makes it miraculous? There are several...

about 1 year ago • 1 min read
Website to check your air quality

The most important predictor of your health is relationships. In my last email, I shared with you the importance of social connections for overall health and longevity. Today, I want to explore how broken relationships can be a causative factor of poor health. Do you struggle to make and maintain meaningful relationships? You're not alone. According to a meta-analytic review, social connection is crucial for human survival and has been associated with reduced risk of mortality, improved...

about 1 year ago • 1 min read
Children hiking.

The most important predictor of your health is relationships. If you have good social connections, you'll have better health. If you have poor relationships, your health will be much worse. But for many, making friends is difficult. Improving established relationships can be even more challenging. Do you know why it's so challenging to cultivate good, meaningful, happy relationships? ...because another person is involved. When we add a second human to the equation, we add instant complexity....

about 1 year ago • 1 min read
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